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A history of Andorra in eleven key episodes: portada

Primer capítulo / Extracto

  • N° páginas : 124
  • Medidas: 190 x 120 mm.
  • Peso: gr
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
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A history of Andorra in eleven key episodes VERGES, OLIVER

An informative story in eleven key episodes that allows to know the history of Andorra and how it has arrived today as a sovereign and independent state.

Maruxa Relaño
Materia BIC:
14.42 €
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15.00 €

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How did Andorra become the sovereign state it is today? What was the significance of the destruction of the Castle of Bragafolls? What roles have the bishops of Urgell, and the Caboet, Castellbò and Foix families played in Andorran history? What exactly is the Pariatge and what did it mean for the Principality of Andorra? What about the Manual Digest? To what extent have the inhabitants of the Valira valleys been the protagonists of the history of their country? This short history of Andorra addresses these questions in an informative, non-specialist manner, while maintaining the necessary rigor in its approach to the study of the past. It does so by narrating eleven episodes that will enable the reader to understand Andorra and how it has managed to survive as a free and sovereign state. These eleven key dates correspond to particular events or decisions that meant the very survival of Andorra as an entity and contributed to making the territory what it is today. A thousand years are chronicled here by describing the most important moments in the country’s history.

Autor: Vergés Pons, Oliver

Oliver Vergés Pons va néixer a Terrassa l’any 1989. És Doctor en Història per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2017). Va llicenciar-se en Història (2013) i va cursar estudis de Màster en Ciències de l’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana (2014) a la mateixa universitat. La seva tasca investigadora se centra en el comtat d’Urgell, el Pirineu i Andorra, temes sobre els quals ha escrit i publicat nombrosos articles i diversos llibres, entre els quals Urgell a la fi del primer mil·lenni i Història d’Andorra en onze claus. Ha estat codirector del programa radiofònic d’història A les Portes de Troia, investigador de l’Institut d’Estudis Medievals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, investigador associat de l’Institut d’Estudis Andorrans (2018) i és membre de l’Institut d’Estudis Comarcals de l’Alt Urgell. Actualment forma part de diversos projectes de recerca. Des del 2017 es dedica professionalment al món editorial a Anem Editors i a Editorial Medusa.

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